Welcome to Cotton Service International GmbH!

Cotton Service International GmbH

The Company founded during 2009 is situated within the Cotton Exchange Building in the Heart of the old traditional Hanseatic City of Bremen.


Members of:-

International Cotton Association Ltd., Liverpool, United Kingdom

Camara Algodonera Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentine

Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremen, Germany


Come and visit us at:-

Bremen Cotton Exchange Building Room 104/105

28195 Bremen



Cotton Service International GmbH
Trading Brokerage Service
Zimmer 104/105 - Baumwollboerse
Wachtstrasse 17-24
28195 Bremen
Fon: + 49-421-3 63 10 40
Fax: + 49-421-3 63 10 11
Mail: trade@csi-bremen.com

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